Regina Larko

Work with me

Let’s Start, Run & Grow a Podcast You are Proud of. 

you're smart

you're Ambitious.

So why does Podcasting feel so difficult?

your podcast.

So you might find yourself…

+ Feeling intimidated by other podcasts in your niche, thinking you could never build a successful show like that.

+ Spinning with the many different options and paths you could take, wondering which direction is right for you.

+Questioning how to make podcasting worth your time.

The truth is...


  • Overwhelming yourself with airing a new episode every single week.
  • Obsessing over download numbers and beating yourself up when your podcast doesn’t grow as fast as you think it should.
  • Exhausting yourself by showing up with new content on every social media platform to market your podcast.

here's what actually matters most to your podcast:


That’s right, you. You have to step into taking charge as the BOSS of your Podcast—the Editor-in-Chief, the Executive Producer of your amazing Podcast.

You get to do podcasting your way, without the hustle and without the overwhelm. 

You get to experience podcasting in a nourishing way, where you grow yourself and your confidence as a communicator, networker, and coach with every single episode you put out for your engaged, loyal audience.

Why invest in my Podcast training programme as a coach?

Regina Larko _ Podcast Coach - Recording - Schedule A Call -

Hi, I am 


I’ve taught hundreds to launch, run, and grow impactful podcasts in a holistic way. 

My approach looks at both the podcast and the person behind it. It aligns your personal and professional goals with the intimate format of podcasting to connect with your ideal audience in a nourishing, compassionate, intentional way.

I’m passionate about helping my clients to podcast with impact because I’ve been there. 

I know what it’s like to want to start a podcast but doubt if you have what it takes. I know what it feels like to think you needed tons of time to run a successful show. (I am business owner and a busy mom of 3!)   I know what it feels like to be intimidated by other podcasters who have been doing this for much longer. I know the fear of speaking up and raising my own voice.

 Could I allow myself to put myself out there like that? What would others think?

It took me years to step onto the podcasting stage, and it was a lonely process full of self-doubt. 

I also thought I had to meet certain benchmarks to be considered a legitimate podcaster, like a specific number of episodes per month, a certain episode length and format, and… the downloads.

HERE's the thing.

The number of downloads does not dictate the success of your podcast. How you measure the success of your podcast is a symptom of a deeper issue. 

Most podcasters focus their attention outwardly and start throwing more effort or time into growing their podcast. 

They think, “If I can just get xyz downloads, running my podcast will be worthwhile.”


Your Podcast, Your Rules, Your Impact. 

How you start your podcast is how you grow it. 

You’ll never reach podcast success unless you learn to become a high-impact, low-stress Podcast Boss first.

learn how to become a podcaster with impact

Hustle is not a solid foundation to build your podcast.

Listeners will feel the stress in your voice.

Comparing yourself to others or thinking that you need a certain number of downloads to make your podcast worthwhile is not helpful either. 

Implementing the Podcast Boss Mindsets and Skill Sets will get you out of the comparison and imposter trap and allow you to build, run, and grow your podcast in a calm, sustainable way, with your personal and professional goals top of mind. 

This is what makes my podcasting program so special. I’ll teach you how to show up as a powerful Podcast Boss so you can set your podcast up to work for you and your coaching business.

Your Podcast, Your Rules, Your Impact.

You’ll finally be reaching your podcasting goals in less time, without the stress you are feeling now.



Run your podcast in a simple, intentional, and organized way.

During our time 

working together

  • I’ll help you create a podcast you are proud of using the Podcast Boss Skill Sets.

You’ll achieve the following results:

+ Learn how to set up & simplify your podcast production and marketing strategy that is not overwhelming to execute

+ Better organization around tasks and priorities, leading to a less stress and more results.

+ More compelling messaging and thought leadership.

+ More strategic and confident decision-making.

+ Increased client interest with the help for your podcast and lowered stress.

+ Seamless transition between your coaching business and your podcast.

+ Confidence in your ability to lead and grow your podcast for years to come.

  • Here are the Podcast Boss Skill Sets I’ll teach you how to master:

Your podcasting journey starts with learning and implementing a simple, doable process that we will align with your goals. You’ll follow the steps laid out in the programme to focus only on what matters most. No more wasted time. You’ll learn how to master the Podcast Boss mindset more deeply, reducing complexity and your to-do list. You’ll learn how to make decisions for your Podcast you love and how to actually stick to them


no more

We’ll refine your topic and angle, target audience, simplify production, and create focused, clear, and compelling marketing strategies.

I’ll teach you Podcasting with Impact Tools so that you can focus on the impact you want to make, be more effective at strategizing and overcoming challenges, while also lowering your emotional stress load. Action and speed are less important than implementing with intention and impact.


Here's how my programmes are delivered

Private Sessions

Bi-Weekly 1-on-1 calls for 3 months (7 sessions) where we strategize, implement, evaluate, and make smart decisions for your podcast

On Call

You can ask me any question, any time during the work week via email. I’ll review your work, give feedback, and coach you through any issues that come up between calls, so you’re never stuck on your own.

Training Videos + Templates

I’ll send you training videos that teach you the Podcast Boss skill sets and show you how to use them in each area of your podcast, from planning and problem-solving to editing your podcast, seamless production, marketing and community building. These videos are tailored to where you are at in your Podcast journey - no matter if you are just starting out with zero (tech) knowledge or if you already have an existing podcast.

Bonus: Monthly Community Calls with your peers

Become part of a nourishing community of Podcasters with impact and grow alongside each other.


I personally guide you the entire way through, even while you are managing a time-consuming life and coaching business. My clients learn how to run their podcasts consistently, in a time efficient way, using Podcast Boss skill sets and mindset tools that I’ve tested and refined over the last 8+ years working specifically with busy coaches, solopreneurs, and small business owners.


Let's get to work

First, we jump on a call

to confirm we are a perfect trainer-client match.

We'll start working together

putting the Podcast Boss skill sets into practice.

You'll have a podcast you are truly proud of

that will generate high-quality leads for your coaching business as you establish yourself as a leading voice in your niche.

Programme VALUES


The podcasting processes and frameworks you’ll learn are designed to empower and inspire you. Investing in my own coaching as well as running my own podcast productions, I will show up for you with the most cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology-based mindset tools. My number one goal for you is to launch, run, and grow a podcast you are proud of – on a schedule that works for you without burning yourself out.

Hustle Free

During the program, you’ll learn how to identify your unique stressors and how to shift out of common problems like overwhelm, frustration, negative self talk, procrastination, and anything else holding you back. You’ll get better results and develop stress resiliency as you run your podcast in an intentional, nourishing way.


This program is not about forcing a certain way to run your podcast on you. It’s about helping you identify what works best for you, your schedule, and your personal and professional goals. Your final result will reflect what you truly desire. Your podcast will be set up in a way that reflects your priorities and values.

The podcast you envision is available to you.

Let’s get started.