Regina Larko


podcasting with impact

Learn how to leverage your podcast to build a strong brand, create genuine connections and generate leads for your coaching business. Go from overthinking to podcasting in the most impactful, time efficient and authentic way. Brought to you, with love, by Regina Larko, the voice behind award-winning & globally top ranking production #impact – A Podcast about stuff that matters.  

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From Troubleshooting when disappointment creeps to learning how to make strategic decisions for your podcast that will save you tons of time. 

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Weekly Podcasting Tips

How to Start a Podcast That Makes an Impact?

It’s true what they say. Taking the first step is always the hardest. But now, it has never been easier. All you have to do is sit back, relax and press play on the playlist I put together for you.... Read More

What’s the best practice for an engaging podcast trailer that attracts your ideal listeners?

In most discussions on this topic, you’ll find excellent suggestions on what to include in a podcast trailer to pick listeners’ curiosity and excitement about your show: Craft an enticing script, aiming for a concise 60-90 seconds. Attention spans are... Read More

6 Common Myths About Sounding Professional

Are you worried that you won’t sound professional enough to start your own podcast? Are you questioning your voice and how you express yourself?  It’s a common fear that holds many potential podcasters back from hitting that record button. But... Read More

How to Motivate Yourself for the Not-Fun Stuff

  Every podcaster has things on their plate that feel “not-fun.” When it comes to your podcast, what is it for you? Editing, Marketing, Researching, Social Media? It’s easy to find yourself procrastinating or putting off important tasks that you... Read More

How to pick a topic for your Podcast?

Let’s start by acknowledging something: having too many ideas is a good problem to have. It means you’re creative, passionate, and a lot of things to say!! YAY YOU!  But when it comes to podcasting, too many ideas can lead... Read More