Let’s start by acknowledging something: having too many ideas is a good problem to have. It means you’re creative, passionate, and a lot of things to say!! YAY YOU! 

But when it comes to podcasting, too many ideas can lead to analysis paralysis and indecision. 

So, how do you narrow down your focus and commit to a topic?

This is what we will uncover for you today and this is just one of the things I help my clients with when they join my Podcasting programme. 

Because I want my clients to get very strategic with their topic picking. 

And this is what I will help you do for yourself here today as well. 

I can not recreate the exact experience for you here how this would work for you in a 1:1 or group coaching setting with me but I will walk you through some questions to run through to help you make choices you love for your podcast

I will also share a concrete example from one of my clients how she found a way to cater to the many ideas she has for her podcast.  

Feel free to grab a pen and paper to take some notes, or you could also get my checklist to choose and narrow down your topics for your podcast when you sign up for my podcast starter guide at hashtagimpact.com/guide


More resources for your Podcasting journey: