Want to run a Podcast you are truly proud of?

I hear you.


According to a study by Edison Research, 73% of podcast listeners feel a sense of connection to the host. Many listeners see their favorite podcast hosts as friends or trusted figures.

I know that creating this kind of trusting relationship with your audience is something you aspire to.

Like most of my clients, you are passionate about starting, running, and growing your podcast.



  • You constantly question if podcasting is worth your time.

  • You compare yourself to others who have been in the podcasting game much longer.

  • You’ve been trying to get a podcast off the ground yourself or might have already launched but haven’t achieved the results you’re looking for.


Let me tell you my story how I first started my podcast. 

How I now help others to start and grow themselves as well as their shows. 

And how we together make a positive impact by putting our voices on our own podcast stages. 

My story

I started my career as a Sinologist working in China in the social impact space. I quickly got promoted and took on significant responsibilities, running international relations programs. It was fulfilling, but I knew I had to move on when I was offered an even more prestigious role within the organization. On paper, the job was brilliant, but something pulled me toward a childhood dream of being a radio host.

How could I combine my passion for social impact with audio storytelling? As I listened to one of my favorite shows during a walk to my new home in Hong Kong, it hit me.


That’s when I realized I didn’t need to wait to be “discovered” by a public radio or TV station. I could start my own channel.

So, I launched my first podcast, #impact – A Podcast about stuff that matters. I built a network of social impact founders and NGO leaders in Hong Kong, a city I had just relocated to. Within a few months, my podcast was mentioned across prestigious media outlets as the best podcast to listen to in Hong Kong. I was invited to speak at several TEDx events.

As soon as I launched my podcast, people started reaching out, eager to learn from me. 

All sounds fabulous, right. But there was a problem.

I wasn't charging for anything.

I was a passionate, purpose-driven founder who just wanted to help as many people as possible. Though I had a great mission and values, it was not sustainable.

So, I hired a business coach. It took me a while to allow myself to invest in a coach. For the longest time, I thought I could figure out the business side of things on my own. 

But am I glad I decided to say yes to investing in myself.

Coaching transformed me into a strategic businesswoman I am today. Once I learned how to manage my mind and my calendar, results followed.

coaching works.

After experiencing the power of coaching for several years, I decided to become a certified coach myself.

I launched a private podcast training program specifically for busy coaches who want to run and build a sustainable coaching practice. I am committed to showing them how their podcast will help them to reach their goals.

As your Podcast Trainer, I’ll help you navigate each decision while teaching you the mindsets and skill sets to show up for your podcast in a more strategic and time-efficient way. 

PODCASTing with impact

My signature human-centric methodology is combining holistic mindset tools that develop both you and your podcast. You will show up in the most authentic way for your audience.

My program is not about content creation hustle and stressing out about download numbers. It’s about viewing your podcast as a strategic  building block of your coaching practice, taking your own development into consideration. 

Implementing the Podcast Boss skill sets will increase your presence and decrease your stress. New opportunities will come your way because of the way you show up with your unique voice on your own podcast. 

I’ve helped hundreds start their podcasting journey.


It fills me with so much joy and pride to see our community of Podcasters with impact grow. 

Each one was profoundly and positively impacted by working on their podcast with me. Their confidence soared, they felt accomplished putting their own podcast out into the world, they built connections and networks, received speaking opportunities, new doors for their business opened up. 

And along the way, they became better, more efficient communicators as they got to know themselves better too, building a catalog of episodes that truly represents what they stand for, building a solid professional presence for their coaching practice, and leaving a legacy with their own podcast for generations to come.

The same result is possible for you too.

Shall we get started?

HERE's where we begin