In most discussions on this topic, you’ll find excellent suggestions on what to include in a podcast trailer to pick listeners’ curiosity and excitement about your show: Craft an enticing script, aiming for a concise 60-90 seconds. Attention spans are short, and people want to know immediately if your podcast is for them.

However, in my podcasting journey, I decided to break the conventional rules.

I created a 4-minute podcast trailer for my flagship production, #impact podcast’s current season. (Yes, that’s long!)

I found the perfect music that beautifully reflected the mood I wanted, and I built the trailer script around it. Sure, I could have packed everything in 90 seconds, trimmed it down, and made it tighter to fit common advice, but my podcast is also my creative playground.

Ultimately, the first person who needs to love and stand behind the podcast trailer is me. And I love it, even if it’s much longer than most recommendations.

For my other podcast, Podcasting with Impact, where I teach my philosophy of building and running a Podcast you’re proud of, I followed the “make it tight and tell listeners what they get right away” format. I love this one too.

Moreover, I use it as the intro for each episode, saving time in post-production as I can reuse it over and over again.

In both cases, the most important advice for creating a podcast trailer that makes an impact is:

The trailer should give your listeners a taste of what they are in for.

#impact is a long-format, interview-style podcast featuring incredible changemakers. It’s a deep dive, reflective and sometimes philosophical. It’s not a quick listen but one to connect with yourself and your desired impact on the world.

🎧 Here’s #impact’s 4-minute podcast trailer:

Podcasting with Impact solo-episodes are shorter, more actionable, teaching concepts and mindsets around building a podcast. It’s an easy, encouraging listen.

🎧 Here’s Podcasting with Impact’s 1-minute podcast trailer:

These two trailers couldn’t be more different.

What I wanna say here is: YOUR PODCAST (TRAILER), YOUR RULES! You are the #PODCASTBOSS

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Anyone who claims otherwise hasn’t understood the beauty of this creative medium.


Hi, I am Regina Larko, and I help coaches build podcasts they are proud of, positioning themselves as leading voices in their niches. Find more resources for your Podcasting journey at